101 research outputs found

    Design of a Single Span Nine Metre Long Glass Bridge

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    Halcrow Yolles was retained to conceptualize ideas for a glass bridge designed tospan across the main lobby of a new hotel. Its defining feature, laminated glassbalustrades, span continuously over the entire nine metre opening. Design work forthe bridge was completed using a finite element model of the entire bridge allowingfor a detailed analysis of stress concentrations in the glass at bearing boltconnections. Special attention was paid to the transportation and erection of thebridge to ensure that the large panels remained intact. This project demonstrateshow state of the art glass production techniques in combination with leading edgedesign methodology can lead to architecturally interesting structures

    Utilización de agroinsumos en Paspalum atratum cv. Cambá FCA

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    The aim of this work was to assess the effect of agro-inputs in biomass production of Paspalum atratum cv. Cambá and in soil biological activity. The sowing of pasture was carried out in pots with sandy soil. Seven treatments and five repetitions were applied; Control (T), Mineral Fertilizer (FM) 100 kg.ha1 , Vermicompost (LC) 40 tn.ha-1 , Vermicompost + Basalt (LC + B) 40 tn.ha-1 and 2.5 tn.ha-1 respectively, Compost (C) 40 tn.ha-1 , Compost + Basalt (C + B) 40 tn.ha-1 and 2.5 tn.ha-1 respectively and basalt powder (B) 2.5 tn.ha-1 . The plants were cut three times after that they were extracted. Height, amount of tillers, dry weight of the aerial part of the plants, radical dry weight and global biological activity were measured. ANOVA and means comparison by Tukey (α <0.05) were performed. When the first cut was carried out, the variable height obtained was the lowest in B treatment and after that measurement no other treatment denoted meaningful differences. The amount of tillers showed no meaningful differences among treatments until the first cut was performed. In the following measurements the LC treatment obtained the highest values and B the lowest ones. Regarding biomass aerial weight in the first cut, there were no meaningful differences between treatments and in the following cuts the LC treatment reached the highest value. On the other hand, the highest value of root dry weight was obtained by FM treatment, differing statistically only from B. The Global Biological Activity was similar among treatments.El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del uso de agroinsumos sobre la producción de biomasa de Paspalum atratum cv. Cambá y en la actividad biológica del suelo. El ensayo se realizó en macetas conteniendo suelo arenoso. Se aplicaron siete tratamientos con cinco repeticiones cada uno en un diseño completo al azar. Los tratamientos aplicados fueron: Testigo (T): suelo solo, Fertilizante Mineral (FM) 100 kg.ha-1, Lombricompost (LC) 40 tn.ha-1, Lombricompost + Basalto (LC + B) 40 tn.ha-1 y 2,5 tn.ha-1 respectivamente, Compost (C) 40 tn.ha-1, Compost + Basalto (C+B) 40 tn.ha-1 y 2,5 tn.ha-1 respectivamente y polvo de basalto (B) 2,5 tn.ha-1. Se realizaron 3 cortes, y en el último se extrajeron las plantas. Se midió altura, número de macollos, peso seco de parte aérea, peso seco radical y actividad biológica global. Se realizó ANAVA y comparación de medias por Tukey (α<0,05) observándose que para altura previo al primer corte B arrojó el menor valor, posterior al primer corte ningún tratamiento tuvo diferencias significativas. Para número de macollos no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos hasta el primer corte, en las siguientes mediciones el tratamiento LC obtuvo los mayores valores y B los menores. Respecto a Peso Seco Aéreo en el primer corte no hubo diferencias significativas entre tratamientos y en los siguientes cortes el mayor valor lo tuvo el tratamiento LC. Para Peso Seco Radical el mayor valor lo obtuvo el tratamiento FM diferenciándose estadísticamente solo de B. Para Actividad Biológica Global no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre tratamientos

    Nuclear dynamics of singlet exciton fission: a direct observation in pentacene single crystals

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    Singlet exciton fission (SEF) is a key process in the development of efficient opto-electronic devices. An aspect that is rarely probed directly, and yet has a tremendous impact on SEF properties, is the nuclear structure and dynamics involved in this process. Here we directly observe the nuclear dynamics accompanying the SEF process in single crystal pentacene using femtosecond electron diffraction. The data reveal coherent atomic motions at 1 THz, incoherent motions, and an anisotropic lattice distortion representing the polaronic character of the triplet excitons. Combining molecular dynamics simulations, time-dependent density functional theory and experimental structure factor analysis, the coherent motions are identified as collective sliding motions of the pentacene molecules along their long axis. Such motions modify the excitonic coupling between adjacent molecules. Our findings reveal that long-range motions play a decisive part in the disintegration of the electronically correlated triplet pairs, and shed light on why SEF occurs on ultrafast timescales

    CubeSat Single-Photon Detector Module for Performing In-Orbit Laser Annealing to Heal Radiation Damage

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    Silicon-based single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs), widely considered for satellite-based quantum communications, suffer a constant increase of dark count rate (DCR) from radiation-induced proton displacement damage in their active areas. When this accumulated damage causes the DCR to exceed a certain threshold (for example, 10,000 counts per second), the SPADs become unreliable for quantum communications, limiting mission lifetime. Previous ground experiments showed that radiation-induced DCR of synthetically irradiated SPADs could be significantly improved by high-power laser annealing, a localized heating of SPADs’ active areas using a focused laser beam. The next step is therefore to demonstrate realtime laser annealing on constantly irradiated SPADs in actual low-Earth-orbit is viable. To facilitate this study, the University of Waterloo team built a miniaturized software controllable SPAD module as part of the annealing payload on CAPSat (Cool Annealing Payload Satellite), a 3U CubeSat satellite developed by a team from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. We present the concept of in-orbit laser annealing and the electronic platform of the SPAD module containing four detectors supporting thermal and laser annealing and detector characterization. The CAPSat, launched and deployed in a low-Earth orbit at 400 km altitude from the International Space Station in October 2021, was intended to assess the viability of this approach before incorporating SPADs in future quantum satellite missions, especially in quantum receivers

    An ab initio study of oxide ion dynamics in type-II Bi3NbO7

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    Structural and electrical behaviour in Bi14YO22.5

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    National Science Centre Poland for project grant numbers 2012/05/E/ ST3/02767 and 2013/09/N/ST3/0432

    Structural mapping in statistical word problems: A relational reasoning approach to Bayesian inference

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    Presenting natural frequencies facilitates Bayesian inferences relative to using percentages. Nevertheless, many people, including highly educated and skilled reasoners, still fail to provide Bayesian responses to these computationally simple problems. We show that the complexity of relational reasoning (e.g., the structural mapping between the presented and requested relations) can help explain the remaining difficulties. With a non-Bayesian inference that required identical arithmetic but afforded a more direct structural mapping, performance was universally high. Furthermore, reducing the relational demands of the task through questions that directed reasoners to use the presented statistics, as compared with questions that prompted the representation of a second, similar sample, also significantly improved reasoning. Distinct error patterns were also observed between these presented- and similar-sample scenarios, which suggested differences in relational-reasoning strategies. On the other hand, while higher numeracy was associated with better Bayesian reasoning, higher-numerate reasoners were not immune to the relational complexity of the task. Together, these findings validate the relational-reasoning view of Bayesian problem solving and highlight the importance of considering not only the presented task structure, but also the complexity of the structural alignment between the presented and requested relations

    Ações de Prevenção da Deficiência Mental, dirigidas a Gestantes e Recém-Nascidos, no âmbito da Saúde Pública da Grande Vitória-ES

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    The accomplishment of prevention in Public Health requires a systematized knowledge for the proposition of a program and its evaluation. When it comes to the prevention of Mental Deficiency, which afflicts around 10% of the population, little is known in Brazil. By adopting a methodology for cataloging MD preventive actions in hospitals and health units, with pregnant women and newborns, it was possible to describe and analyze the actions of the public health system in Greater Vitoria/ES, indicating the levels of prevention which were most covered. Preventive actions (PA) of five large public hospitals, nine health units and six health offices, from 1996 to 1997 were studied. Data from 25 interviews show that these places made 51.5% of the 433 possible PA (57.4% of primary prevention and 45.5% of the secondary). Along with the particularization of the action of each municipality and place researched, the obtained data was useful for analyses and possible changes in maternal-infantile health indicators.Faire de la prévention dans la santé publique est conditionné par une très bonne connaissance afin de proposer des programmes et les évaluer. Au Brésil, on sait peu de choses sur la prévention de la déficience mentale, qui atteint pourtant 10 % de la population. Adoptant une méthodologie et pour faire un catalogue des actions préventives de déficience mentale dans les hôpitaux et les unités de santé, pour les femmes enceintes et les nouveau-nés, on a pu décrire et analyser les actions de santé publique dans la ville de Grande Vitoria (État du Espirito Santo), indiquant le niveau de prévention les plus couverts. On a regroupé les actions de prévention de cinq hôpitaux publics importants, neuf (31 %) unités de santé et six bureaux centralisateurs, entre 1996 et 97. Les données de vingt-cinq entrevues montrent que ces locaux réalisent 51,5 % des 433 actions de prévention possibles (57,4 % de prévention primaire et 45,5 % de secondaire). En détaillant les réalisations de chaque municipalité et local étudié, les chiffres fournissent des ressources pour des analyses et les modifications possibles dans les indicateurs de santé maternelle et infantile.Fazer prevenção em Saúde Pública implica em conhecimento sistematizado para a proposição de programas e sua avaliação. Quanto à prevenção de Deficiência Mental, que atinge cerca de 10% da população, pouco se conhece no país. Adotando uma metodologia para levantamento de ações preventivas de DM em hospitais e unidades de saúde, junto a gestantes e recém-nascidos, fo i possível descrever e analisar a atuação da rede pública de saúde da Grande Vitória/ES, indicando os níveis de prevenção mais atendidos. Foram levantadas as ações de prevenção (AP) de cinco hospitais públicos de grande porte, nove (31%) unidades de saúde e seis secretarias de saúde, entre 1996-97. Os dados de 25 entrevistas mostram que esses locais realizavam 51,5% das 433 AP possíveis (57,4% da prevenção primária e 45,5% da secundária). Particularizando a atuação de cada município e local pesquisado, os dados fornecem subsídios para análises e possíveis mudanças nos indicadores de saúde materno-infantil